Jen's New Years Resolution!

A new year means time to set a new goal. Year 2011 is going to be my year to get in good shape. I am going to follow "The Biggest Loser" this season and weigh in each Tuesday like they do. I started my new diet and exercise last Tuesday and have been going strong since then. I am really sore like expected the first week of any new exercise. I have started P90X which has kicked my butt, but I am confident that if I stick with it I will be in much better shape. In order to make myself accountable I am going to post how much weight I have lost each week. I have a goal to lose 30 pounds this year so wish me luck!

Weight Lost:
Jan 4th- Jan 11th: 6 lbs
Jan 12th- Jan 18th: 2 lbs
Jan 19th- Jan 25th: 0 lbs
Jan 26th- Feb 1st: