Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Butlers!

Well I guess this is my first official post.  I am not much of a writer so up front I would like anyone who reads this to know there WILL BE  many grammatical errors so unfortunately you will just have to suffer through.  A little about me. My name is Jen Butler. I was raised in Orem, UT and loved every minute of it. I am a Utah girl through and through.  I grew up playing any sport I could get my hands on and am grateful for  the lessons I have learned from some of my best friends that were teammates and Coaches through the years.  There are six kids in my family and two amazing parents.  My family and I grew up being very close and I love them and appreciate all the lessons I have learned from them that have molded me into who I am.   I grew up as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and know that because of this I am the person that I am.  I got married on July 18 2009 an have the absolute best husband in the world. He is perfect for me. Trevor and I grew up down the road from each other, but because of the 3 and a half year gap we never knew each other until we later ended up in the singles ward together.  (I will post that story another day) Trevor and I now live in Pleasant Grove UT in a cute condo we bought in April 2010. We both work full time. Trevor has 3 seasonal jobs that keep him employed through the year.  He works in the winter on the Ski Patrol at Sundance and loves it, the summer time for Orem City, and the fall for a Christmas lighting company.  I work for Pinnacle security as a technician coordinator helping build up the technician force that install security systems during the summer selling season. We are also both in school. I am majoring in Physical Education and Health and Trevor is planning on doing something in the medical field right now Radiology is what he says.  I guess in summary life is busy but I wouldn't change a thing. 

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